Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 Overlooked Dating Mistakes You could be Making


During a date, it can be common to put out the wrong signs by making these mistakes. To avoid this, as well as pushing away people you are interested in, be sure to avoid these dating mistakes.

Don’t just give them the facts
Intrigue and mystery play a vital role in the excitement and building of a great relationship. So playing on those factors can be important in taking a first date to a lasting relationship. When asked about yourself, don’t just give them the facts, you need to entice them into your world. For example if you are a waitress, don’t just say that, talk about what parts about being a waitress you like, your most exciting stories, the craziest thing that happened to you. Your goal is get them interested in your world, not just give them the facts. When they go about their week after the date is over, if they have been told you’re just a waitress, they are not going to be thinking about you. But if you told them an exciting story, or the parts of your career that you’re passionate about, they are more likely to think about you throughout the week. Leave them wondering about the rest of your life.

Going with an empty list
You know that awkward silence that happens when you have nothing left to talk about. This can happen if people aren’t equipped. This is why it’s best to be prepared about what you can bring up in discussion throughout the evening. Have a mental list prepared beforehand of the subjects you desire to bring up such as; their most memorable moment in life, their proudest moment, and celebrities they would like to date. This will not just help you avoid any awkward silence, but will paint you out to be a self-assured and fascinating person to be with, which in turn will make you more charming in their eyes.

Not directing the evening
What most people do on dates is they let the discussion go wherever it takes them. Sometimes people say things just because they're nervous, or are afraid of an awkward silence. Sometimes they ask the common questions out of habit. To make a date passionate and exciting, you're going to need to steer the conversation to passionate and exciting subjects. The conversation should be directed towards subjects that will stir up your or their passions, such as cooking or traveling or their last escape, memories that made them excited about life. You want to be associated with passion and excitement.

Flirty subjects such as; which celebrity you would want to date, or what part of the body they like the most are good subjects to bring up. This is because it sets the mood for romance and excitement, instead of leaving the date bored and feeling ‘stuck on a date’.

Another tip is to bring up topics that you can complement them on such as; what they’re good at, or what they would like to be good at. Complimenting and encouraging your date will leave them feeling good about you. There are certain feelings that come up when people think about a specific person. Your goal is to get in their memory, and be associated with good emotions when they think about you. This is done through complimenting remarks.

These topics will make you out to be passionate, exciting, fascinating, and leave a lasting impression on their mind. You need to set the mood for romance and excitement through your conversations, don’t just hope it happens.
Jumping to conclusions
What is the right time to wait before you call for a second date? Should your date have kissed you by the 3rd date if he likes you? There are these typical rules for dating practice that we're supposed to follow right? Does everybody know them? I think not. Sometimes people get nervous, or think the right answers to these rules are different that the answers you know. Overthinking the small rules of dating can sometimes ruin a potentially good relationship.

Relying too much on chemistry
A common mistake is relying too much on chemistry. How you feel about a person after just 1 date can change. In a relationship people can connect on many levels where chemistry is just one of the factors, not the whole package. Intellectually, through humor, how safe you feel around them, feeling self-assured in silence, knowing they have your back, being valued and cherished, how they feel about you; these are all ways that people connect. With all the other factors at play in a beautiful relationship, you can see why relying solely on chemistry can be a mistake.

Didn't give them enough time
Perhaps you’ve been on one or two dates and haven’t felt anything for them. So you’ve decided to write them off as just friends. Most romantic interests are developed over a longer time frame where time is spent in close proximity with a person. Writing a person off as unattracted to after such a short period of time can be premature.

Relying too much on first impressions
Out of nervousness, or whatever reason, people can give the wrong impression from what they intended or who they really are. This is why putting too much emphasis on first impressions can be misleading. Don't forget that people can also change.

Keeping a date typical
Keeping a date typical isn't wrong, but if you want to stand out from all the other people they are or have dated, you need to make yours stand out. This means making your date unique, surprise them. Have dessert first during dinner, or give them a teddy bear instead of flowers. If you are making a wish at a fountain, go in and get yourself wet. You want to stand out as special. Keeping your dates typical won’t make them see you as better than the rest, it will just make you out to be the same and you don’t want to be associated with their ex’s.

They'll respond according to your signals
How you conduct yourself and your body language will determine how they behave and their body language. Acting shy can have a cumulative effect where they respond similarly. Most people are afraid of getting close to their dates or touching them. Being confident in physical touch through a hand on their back, or grabbing their hand can do wonders in impressing them. Confident eye contact and being close to them can actually relax their mood because they see that it’s normal behavior to you. This will also jump you over barriers that they may have automatically put up.

Sleeping with a date too soon can ruin your relationship all together. It’s very much like reading the last page of a book first, it ruins the story. The excitement, mystery, and romance have all been spoiled. A good story, much like a good relationship takes time to build. Where; romance, anticipation, and charm have vital roles to play. Even if you feel ready, your partner may not have those factors in play just yet. Men typically need a longer period of time for expectancy and enticement for sex to impact the future of their relationships. Christmas wouldn’t be special if it were every day, or if you didn’t have to wait for it.

These dating mistakes are commonly unseen, and can make or break a future relationship. Lucky for you, you have been made aware of them, and can avoid them in the future.

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